Sunday, July 24, 2011

my good news

     I totally agree that life is a journey and you never know from one minute to the next where it will lead you to. Life may have thrown us to the ground again with Dennis being laid off from his job with Reed's but, it has been said that god will replace that with something better. I know we are suppose to be patient and stand still and wait for our blessing but, after a month I can not stand still any longer. My fears over whelm me and I am scared of what could happen next. Will I lose my home I have lived in over a year and come to love so much or will my landlord understand what we and so many others are going through in this rough time. I ask my god to send him thoughts of understanding for me and my family, that he too just be patient a little while longer. I also know if I do lose my home that god will give me something better in his own time.

     I can not believe I did not hope on here right away and tell you all about my good news and the works of god in my life. It was the last day of our revival and the evangelist David Crane moved the sprite in me. I knew I had not been living right for a long time now even though I had become a child of god a long time ago I strayed and I needed to stop the sin in my life and live as he would want me to. I rededicated my life to the lord July 21st I was reborn again and I felt this huge mass be lifted off my shoulders. I know it may not be a miracle in some peoples eyes. However it was a huge one to for me. I know this is also not a fast fix for my mental illness. I have been bi-polar for years and not living on medications as I should. I go back to tri- county on Aug 2 to talk to the doctor and get on my meds. Its a chemical imbalance I've been told its not because I'm crazy although at times I often as myself that question am I crazy? I want everything to be okay. I don't want to have these suicidal thoughts anymore. I know I need more help and I have reached out and began the process for that. I now now it doesn't make me any less of a person then I am sometime people just need more help then others.

     God blessed me with friends, and family, and even more with my MCH family. I feel god is still shaping me into the person he wants me to be. I now I have been a long time works in progress. Thank you lord for helping my son come to love you and it was because of him that brought us back to the church and for our eyes to see. Bless you all.